
Friday, June 24, 2011

Lindsay Lohan Blames Dirty Booze Test on Tea

In the end, it doesn't even matter that Lindsay Lohan's failed alcohol test the other day even occurred. Probation department personnel shouldn't have even been testing her, the judge ruled, and alcohol is legal. Case closed.

The judge letting her off the hook wasn't a miscarriage of justice - it was actually the probation department that screwed up. Still, LiLo is adamant that she did NOT drink alcohol and wants to clear her name (a tall order).

Her excuse? It was just Kombucha tea ... obviously.

Perp Walkin'

Lohan has been telling friends she's been drinking her favorite beverage again - it already raised a red flag and allegedly set off her ankle bracelet earlier this year because it contains alcohol - and that's what must have registered.

The company behind the drink claims the alcohol content is under .05%.

LiLo insists that's all she drank, telling TMZ, "I am responsible, and I'm following the rules and obeying my judge and the Los Angeles judicial system."

The train wreck adds, "I'd like to do what I must to get my film career back and the respect of directors, actors, writers, studio heads, fans and so on."

And so the Lohan saga turns. Thoughts? Can she stay clean?

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[Photo: Fame Pictures]


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