
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Casey Anthony Interview Sweepstakes: Bidding War Off the Hook!

The bidding war for Casey Anthony interviews is off the proverbial hook.

According to reports, a syndicated talk show was laughed at with a bid of $250,000 ... and that was just for Casey's parents, George and Cindy!

An interview with Casey Anthony herself? That'll cost you $1.5 million.

George Anthony Picture

It may be too much for one player. ABC News just released a statement saying it will no longer pay for photos and video in exchange for interviews.

Casey's defense lawyer, Jose Baez, was holed up in the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in New York City last week, taking bids from NBC, ABC and CBS.

All three networks were offering the same deal - they won't pay for interviews, but would pay a fortune to license photos and video from Casey.

Basically, this workaround allows them to say they don't pay for interviews, and be technically correct, while they are effectively doing just that.

In its statement, ABC, perhaps fed up with the sky-high price tag, says, "We can book just about anyone based on our strength of journalism."


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