"I know what the fantasy suite means and implies. I knew if I got to this point and I wasn't in love with you, I wouldn't accept the fantasy suite. I have too much respect for you, for myself, for my family and ultimately your family also."
With these words, Constantine Tzortzis left The Bachelorette, having made all the way to the penultimate episode, only to conclude it wasn't working out.
While he caught us off guard, Ashley Hebert wasn't shocked.
The Bachelorette Episode 9 Highlights
"After such a great hometown date, I was excited to see Constantine again," she tells People. "This was a critical time for us. We needed to figure things out. Throughout most of the date, I felt a huge disconnect with him."
"I quickly realized I was holding out and looking for a romance between us that will never be there. Although I was willing to use every last minute to see if time was what we needed, Constantine didn't surprise me by saying goodbye."
What Ashley Hebert did worry about, though, were the others.
"One might think that because it was so late in the process that I would be devastated, but I wasn't. It only made me fear that if Constantine could be unsure about us this late in the process, could Ben or J.P. feel the same?"
"That is why I wanted to still have a rose ceremony."
She did, and both Ben Flajnik and JP Rosenbaum reaffirmed their desire to win Ashley's heart. Who should she choose? Vote in our survey below ...
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