
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Shera Bechard Introduced by Hugh Hefner as "New Girlfriend"

Move over, Anna Sophia Burgland. Not too far. Just a little closer to the edge of the bed.

Just a couple days after Hugh Hefner labeled this Playmate as his "best girl," the magazine magnate has Tweeted that he has a "new girlfriend." Say hello to Shera Bechard!

Shera Bechard PhotoA Smirking Hef

Sources first linked Bechard to Hef last week, but this is the first time Hefner has officially given her a title. Let's just hope he doesn't give her anything she needs to see a doctor about!

Bechard is a native of Canada who loves to travel and is "looking forward to having a big house someday," according to her website.  She hates when people mistake her "shyness for snobbery."

How does Crystal Harris feel about her ex's growing stable of women?

"I was replaced the day after I left," she Tweeted. "Expected."

[Photo: WENN.com]


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