
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Teresa Giudice Explains, Defends Allegedly Anti-Semitic Remark

On Sunday's episode of The Real Housewives of New Jersey, Teresa Giudice stood by husband Joe, even in the face of bankruptcy. Why? She quipped:

"My Jewish friends are all 'I would have divorced him right away!!' But I'm Italian."

Such a statement certainly comes across like the reality star is comparing Jews and Italians, while painting the former in a negative light. But Teresa has taken to her blog to explain why this was never her intention.

On The Real Housewives

"I was trying to explain myself without calling anyone out specifically, and the way I described them to keep them anonymous was 'Jewish," Giudice wrote. "They are Jewish, but being Jewish has nothing to do with why they would have left Joe. Their religion had nothing to do with the story, I was just trying to explain myself and not use anyone's name, and my words got all jumbled. I'm so sorry if I offended anyone."

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