
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Anderson Cooper Compares Self to a Young Justin Bieber Fan

He's known as The Silver Fox. But when reporting the story of Gerard Depardieu urinating on a Air France flight last week, Anderson Cooper sounded more like a hyena. The CNN anchor couldn't stop cracking up.

Asked about the incident (below) by Entertainment Weekly, Cooper said he was surprised by the coverage it received, but not by the sounds he made.

Anderson Cooper Cracks Up

"I’ve always giggled like a 13 year-old girl at a Justin Bieber meet and greet. There’s nothing I can do about it, but I’ve never not been able to stop. I’m a little stunned by how many people have seen that video. I went to bed telling myself, ‘I doubt anyone will notice the giggle fit.’ I woke up and in the elevator the first thing my building super said to me was, ‘What’s wrong with your laugh?’

"It could be worse: I could have a viral video in which I throw up on a guest or drunkenly eat a hamburger on a bathroom floor. Not that I’ve ever done either of those things. Not yet at least.”


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