
Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Bachelorette "Men Tell All" Scoop: Who Shows Up? Who Says What?

Because The Bachelorette took July 4 off, the remainder of the season has been condensed, with the Men Tell All filler special airing Sunday.

Monday, the season finale and After the Final Rose will air.

Useless as the Men Tell All can be there's a lot to discuss this season, if they actually go there: Guys dumping Ashley Hebert and not vice versa, Ryan coming back for seemingly no reason, the debacle that is Bentley, etc.

Ashley Hebert and Ames Brown

Ashley thinks the next Bachelor should be ... Ames?

According to reports, they delve into a fair amount, and Ashley says it was "good to get closure" despite seeing how hurt some guys were.

Asked who would be the best star of The Bachelor, Ashley said Ryan Park and Ames Brown. As if Ryan's energy level and ego needed that.

Ryan responded that he "believes in the process of the show," and while his life is just so great, he has no one to hold hands with. Sniff.

Ames was surprised at the thought. The process of the show seemed to throw him off throughout, but we've love to see him get a shot.

E! News caught up with Constantine Tzortzis, as well. After making it past the hometown dates, he decided to deny the fantasy suite.

"You go on dates and you try, but sometimes things just don't work out," he said, adding that with Ashley, "It was silly to move forward."

Ouch. As for Bentley and the shenanigans he put The Bachelorette and her fans through this season ... that schmoe doesn't show. Weak.

As for the finalists still vying for her heart Monday, J.P. Rosenbaum and Ben Flajnik, who should Ashley pick? Vote in THG's survey below!

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